20-22 Wenlock Road
N1 7GU
+44 (0) 20 32390542
Fire Smoke analysis
tekEdge uses CFD as a powerful numerical modelling technique to simulate the
following conditions occurring in a fire within buildings and underground
Estimation of fire spread
from an ignition source
Analysis of the spread of
heat and smoke in complex spaces
Performance-based design
of smoke control systems and passive fire protection measures
Assessment of conditions
on pedestrian escape routes against established visibility, toxicity and
heat tenability criteria during fire situations
Fire impact assessments
for equipment, structures and other assets
key advantage of CFD is that it is an effective, non-intrusive, virtual
modelling technique with powerful visualization capabilities, and engineers can
evaluate the performance of a wide range of IAQ/HVAC system configurations on
the computer without the time, expense, and disruption required to make actual
changes onsite.